martes, 25 de octubre de 2011

¨Dragon Rifle¨

Semi automatic dragon

In the year 1882 , the mexican general called , Manuel Mondragon had desing the very first , semi-automatic rifle , called Mondragon rifle , it was gas operated , whit cilinder and piston arragmnent , this was not very usual at the time , the calibre of the wepon was 7mm , whit a magazine of eight rounds , however a trail LMG version had a 20 round box magazine and a bipod , this rifle , was first used in the Mexican revolution , for the army , the manofacture of the rifle , was a problem by the time , because in the country the war was just keep going and going , so the mexican army try to make and agrement to  US corprations , so they can manofacture the rifle , but whit no succes , so they try whit the european SIG , wepon manofacture , fainally an agreement was made an by 1901 the firsts rifles where ship to Mexico , however they make a role in the world war 1 , as the germans buy the wepons and used as a rifle of the air crew , some of this rifles where used by the navy , the rifle proof to be exelent for dry and arid climates , but not so good whit mood envroiments , this was a problem for the ones that used it durig world war 1 , this rifel was used by the Mexican army until 1943 . and was used by severlal more countries like , Brazil , Peru , Soviet Union , China , Austria - Hungray , Vietnam ,Chile Etc.

martes, 11 de octubre de 2011

The STG 44

                                                      The First assault rifle
During the days of the nazi Germany , the creation of new and better wepons to support the war , became something popular and common , this is because combined whit the demands of Hitler to his ingeniiers to develop new wepons , and the need of tecnologycal supremacy over their enemys to win the war , lead the nazi engeniers to develop a lot of new wepons in an effort to win the war . One of this new wepons was the inovating Sturmgewehr 44  better known as STG 44 , it was the first known modern rifle the Stg 44 was an a short name to the sturmgewher 44 that means ¨storm rifle ¨, this makes the reference to ¨strom the enemy position ¨ , the transaltion in english (assault rifle) was the name that where give to the gun , became the common name to this new kind of wepon . The wepon production began in 1943 ,  by the company  C. G. Haenel Waffen und Fahrradfabrik , the gun whight 4.6 kg whit magazine empty , and 5.2 whit full magazine , it can fire from 550-600 rounds per minute , and have and effective range of 400 m . it have been debates of if the rifle was really effective in full automatic mode , this is because in the manual , it said ¨full automatic mode , only for emergencys¨ so the rumors begins if the wepon was really accuarete , but some others said that this was to prevent that a regular german soldier waste a lot of ammo in targets , personaly , i think is more for the second tought ,  but anyway , the wepon prove to be an exellent and superior gun aggainst the normal rifle that other troops used , it was more used in the east front ,but the war didnt go much longer , to see if it actually can make a significant change to the war .

jueves, 29 de septiembre de 2011

Myth or True ?

                                                        Red Army Sniper

Vasili Zatisev , was during the World War II one of the most famous heros , that inspered many stories , this soviet sniper , was more that just a common soldier , he was consider a legend during the war , and he manage to get a lot of condecorations like Hero of the Soviet Union , this he earned during the Stalingrad battle , in this important battle that was crucial to veiw the feit of the  german advance into soviet territory , in this battle the Soviet Union achived a great victory over the germans , giving a new path to  the war , but in this battle is where the Soviets Snipers became a key instrument , and the most important of them was Vasili , he  became so famous for his reputation of deadliest sniper, he was caractericeded by killing german officers of high rank , and also because he had a movie - like conflict whit a german officer , the mayor Erwin Koning , he was the chif of the sniper school back in Germany , the two had a very intense battle , sometimes , they pass more than 3 or 4 days at the same place , just to know where the other sniper was , but it was until Vasili and his friend Nikolai Kulikov , decide to make a tramp to the german , Nikolai use his helmet as distraction , he showed slowly by a window near their post , the mayor shoot , and hit the helmet , Nikolai make fake jellings trying to cheat the german that he have hit the real sniper , and when he come out to see the dead foe , Vasili Aim and shoot him in the head , giving and end to this movie . like encounter
By the end of the War Vasili was decoreded whit many medals and titles , after the end of the war he retired of the army and make a enginere busniess in Kiev , where he die in 1991 , his rifle can be found in the armed forces musem in Moscow .

jueves, 22 de septiembre de 2011

The Most famous 6 rounds gun

The Revolver 

An icon of the guns , is no other that the famous revolver , this enigmatic gun is also accociated whit cowboys movies and stuff like the , but lets talk a little about this wepon , 

Back in 1835 Samuel Colt , manached to patent , the first modern model of revolver , having 5 shoots chance , and is caliber was 36 , this wepon was a total inovation , because in that time all  the guns where very slow to recharge , the revolver was much quicker , this make the wepon , very popular across the hold world  very quickly . Another unique caracteristic about the revlover , is that its bullets are not in a magazine , they are in chambers , the number of those can varite , from the common 6 , to 5 or  even in some cases 9 , but this last is not very common , however there have been a lot of rare types of revovlers , like one espesific revovler , that was used during the US civil war , this one had 9 bullet chambers , and a minishot gun atachment below the canon of the wepon . A lot of times the revolver have been compared to the actual semiautomatic pistols , it may have less amunition , an can bee more slow to recharge , but the revolver have more accuary , and can use more powerfull ammo like the magnum , it is also more resistant and are more easy to use , however the choose is made by you , so you decide , i will prefer the revolver , but again , its your choice

jueves, 1 de septiembre de 2011

Hitler¨s secret wepon

                                                                  Total Power

By the time of world war II was beign fighting , the importance of combat veichle like tanks , planes etc was crucial to military strategys and more , for some leaders this was a very important way to win the war , for example Hitler , in his total madness to win the war he decide to look to his cientist and make mega wepons , like the word said he want that his crazy ideas became a real wepon , and this is the results .

The Maus tank

The name maus referes to mause in the english , obiously this was a sarcastic way because this tank was the biggest tank ever created , the tank carry a 150mm main gun and a coaxial gun of 75mm , it was so big and expensie to create, that Hitler said that he want the tank operating in the field by June 1944 , and it was ¨order¨ in Agust of 1943 , by this time the nazi forces start to lose the war , this was an other problem that the tank production had , this tank have been tought to use against the Soviet Union , and all start because Hitler hear the rumor that the Russians where building a 100 ton tank , thats why he order the desing and production of the maus tank , first refered as the mammut , but later the tank was re named to maus .

¨The Maus wheels where like rollers , and conected in 12 bogies , 6 pair each side , this was the mas wheels that the tank need to stand , and to move ¨¨ (,) the crew of the tank was of 5 to 6 men ,  and it wheit 188 tons , the max speed of the tank it wasnt a very remarcable point , because it move at 20km/hr , very slow , it was 10.1 meters long and 3.66 meters tall , it was a really giant , but the effort and recources that where used in the production of this tank where a waste , because the tank never see the battlefield , the war ended before the tank masu line where sucesfully made whit all the correction, this secret wepon as many others never saw the light , and remened as a myth until now .
"The Maus Tank." Vince's Worthwhile Website. Web. 01 Sept. 2011. <>.

miércoles, 24 de agosto de 2011

The White Death

                                                               The White Death

During the Winter War( 1939-1940 ) beeten the Soviet Union and Finland no thing where more scarier to the russian soldiers that going on patrol , they know that it was a suicaide mission due to one of the most clear exapmples of the One Man Army phrase , they know that at any moment a well placed bullet in the head will end whit their lives , they know that they where been watched by no other that  The White Death .  The White Death was the nickname of the finnish sniper Simo Haya , the men whit most kills durnig a war , and really is !!! he kill no less than 505 confirmed kills whit his sniper rifle , a modified Mosin -Nagat and an other 200 kills whit an Sumoi KP/31 sub machine gun , giving a total number of 705 kills (confirmed ones) in a time of 100 days. He was so good at sniping that no matter what soviets try , they never kill him , they use counter sniper teams , artillery etc , but nothing can stop the White Death of taking his prices , it was on a March 6 1940 , when his killing wave will finally stop during a combat one lucky russian soldier manage to shot Haya in the face , but he was not so lucky to kill him he just wounded him , because belive or not he survive to his injurys , take a lot of time and change the way his face look but he survive . The thing that made this men so good and so feard was the metods he use to evade the spotting , he never use telescopic sight because in cold wheater it fog , also because the light reflection can reveal his potiton , he bury himself in snow so well that when he fire no one know where the shot came from , it also put snow in his mouth to uncover the breath of giving away his potition. He died in april of 2002 at the age of 96   

Refernces :

lunes, 15 de agosto de 2011

Whats Ballistic?

Ballistic is the part of sciense that studies the behavior ,flight and effects of proyectils like bullets , gravity bombs and rockets .

Is also divided in 2 groups , Gun Ballistic and Forensic ballistic each one have a different function and is use for different porpouses , here are the caracteristics of each one

Gun Ballistic: is the one that studies the time of bullet flight to the impact in the target and is divided in the categories below

  • Internal ballistics (sometimes called interior ballistics): the study of the processes originally accelerating the projectile, for example the passage of a bullet through the barrel of a rifle

  • Transition ballistics (sometimes called intermediate ballistics): the study of the projectile's behavior when it leaves the barrel and the pressure behind the projectile is equalized.

  • External ballistics (sometimes called exterior ballistics): the study of the passage of the projectile through a medium, most commonly earth's atmosphere.

  • Terminal ballistics: the study of the interaction of a projectile with its target, whether that be flesh (for a hunting bullet), steel (for an anti-tank round), or even furnace slag (for an industrial slag disruptor).

  • Forensic Ballistic : is the one that is in charge to detrminatie and study the bullets or bullet impact in the scene of a crime in order to show its results to the court or to every other legal system to be used in a crime invastigation.   

       References :