jueves, 29 de septiembre de 2011

Myth or True ?

                                                        Red Army Sniper

Vasili Zatisev , was during the World War II one of the most famous heros , that inspered many stories , this soviet sniper , was more that just a common soldier , he was consider a legend during the war , and he manage to get a lot of condecorations like Hero of the Soviet Union , this he earned during the Stalingrad battle , in this important battle that was crucial to veiw the feit of the  german advance into soviet territory , in this battle the Soviet Union achived a great victory over the germans , giving a new path to  the war , but in this battle is where the Soviets Snipers became a key instrument , and the most important of them was Vasili , he  became so famous for his reputation of deadliest sniper, he was caractericeded by killing german officers of high rank , and also because he had a movie - like conflict whit a german officer , the mayor Erwin Koning , he was the chif of the sniper school back in Germany , the two had a very intense battle , sometimes , they pass more than 3 or 4 days at the same place , just to know where the other sniper was , but it was until Vasili and his friend Nikolai Kulikov , decide to make a tramp to the german , Nikolai use his helmet as distraction , he showed slowly by a window near their post , the mayor shoot , and hit the helmet , Nikolai make fake jellings trying to cheat the german that he have hit the real sniper , and when he come out to see the dead foe , Vasili Aim and shoot him in the head , giving and end to this movie . like encounter
By the end of the War Vasili was decoreded whit many medals and titles , after the end of the war he retired of the army and make a enginere busniess in Kiev , where he die in 1991 , his rifle can be found in the armed forces musem in Moscow .

2 comentarios:

  1. I wonder how many people had an story like that, because of what I know there were thousands of soldiers in war and lets not say that is an aproximate of how many they were in all wars, especially in the Grand Soviet Army, but he as many snipers are called "hero" because they served their country like it has to be done in war. If I do remember well one of your first blog post was about an sniper called White Snow, something like that and that he managed to snipe hundreds of enemies, I have no doubt that Vasili had a bodie count like that, maybe it sounds unethical but in wat there is a lot of unfairness even if everyone wanted to stop war, it is nearly impossible, so those soldiers train to defend their own countries even if they have to kill, they have their own pride doing those missions. Next time if it's possible try to research the most famous sniper in all the world that would be great to know to compare who was the best, or even if it's rare try searching a Mexican sniper or famous gunner hahahaha, well then I hope to read good information like always next time.

  2. Great story Daniel. I think that everyone pays attention to what happened in war, but the people in it are important to. I think we forget our own people fighting for a better place in our country and also we don’t care about them. We forget that the soldiers are also people who are sacrificing their lives for us, so we can live and keep doing the things we use to do. You know, I think in Mexico and in every country, there is a special day for the soldiers, when they go and visit their families and they stay with them a week, I think.
    Anyway, as I said before, I love your blog and I hope you keep improving it.
