jueves, 1 de septiembre de 2011

Hitler¨s secret wepon

                                                                  Total Power

By the time of world war II was beign fighting , the importance of combat veichle like tanks , planes etc was crucial to military strategys and more , for some leaders this was a very important way to win the war , for example Hitler , in his total madness to win the war he decide to look to his cientist and make mega wepons , like the word said he want that his crazy ideas became a real wepon , and this is the results .

The Maus tank

The name maus referes to mause in the english , obiously this was a sarcastic way because this tank was the biggest tank ever created , the tank carry a 150mm main gun and a coaxial gun of 75mm , it was so big and expensie to create, that Hitler said that he want the tank operating in the field by June 1944 , and it was ¨order¨ in Agust of 1943 , by this time the nazi forces start to lose the war , this was an other problem that the tank production had , this tank have been tought to use against the Soviet Union , and all start because Hitler hear the rumor that the Russians where building a 100 ton tank , thats why he order the desing and production of the maus tank , first refered as the mammut , but later the tank was re named to maus .

¨The Maus wheels where like rollers , and conected in 12 bogies , 6 pair each side , this was the mas wheels that the tank need to stand , and to move ¨¨ (http://www.vincelewis.net/maus.html,) the crew of the tank was of 5 to 6 men ,  and it wheit 188 tons , the max speed of the tank it wasnt a very remarcable point , because it move at 20km/hr , very slow , it was 10.1 meters long and 3.66 meters tall , it was a really giant , but the effort and recources that where used in the production of this tank where a waste , because the tank never see the battlefield , the war ended before the tank masu line where sucesfully made whit all the correction, this secret wepon as many others never saw the light , and remened as a myth until now .
"The Maus Tank." Vince's Worthwhile Website. Web. 01 Sept. 2011. <http://www.vincelewis.net/maus.html>.

2 comentarios:

  1. Hi Daniel,
    This information should be investigated so we would now if Hitler was crazier than anyone else in that time! I think that he was scared about being defeated, so he wanted to do something that no one else had ever seen. Maybe with that amazing weapon, he might win. With just one, in that time when the technology wasn’t to advanced, it was an amazing construction. It was pretty funny the name “mause”, I don’t know why I remember the animal mouse, it kind of sound the same.
    Great post Daniel. Good Luck!

  2. Great blog baiey

    I did not know about the Hitlers secret weapon, but I also think that this men was one of the most powerful and brilliant men that were in the war in that momento, because the fact that he wanted his ideas to be realized in order to win the war, talks about a very brilliant men that was Hitler.

    So I hope that you continue posting more interesting facts about the ideas of the war and the ideas of Hitler and also keep mentioning the different types of weapons hat were in that time.

    So see you soon Bailey.
