martes, 25 de octubre de 2011

¨Dragon Rifle¨

Semi automatic dragon

In the year 1882 , the mexican general called , Manuel Mondragon had desing the very first , semi-automatic rifle , called Mondragon rifle , it was gas operated , whit cilinder and piston arragmnent , this was not very usual at the time , the calibre of the wepon was 7mm , whit a magazine of eight rounds , however a trail LMG version had a 20 round box magazine and a bipod , this rifle , was first used in the Mexican revolution , for the army , the manofacture of the rifle , was a problem by the time , because in the country the war was just keep going and going , so the mexican army try to make and agrement to  US corprations , so they can manofacture the rifle , but whit no succes , so they try whit the european SIG , wepon manofacture , fainally an agreement was made an by 1901 the firsts rifles where ship to Mexico , however they make a role in the world war 1 , as the germans buy the wepons and used as a rifle of the air crew , some of this rifles where used by the navy , the rifle proof to be exelent for dry and arid climates , but not so good whit mood envroiments , this was a problem for the ones that used it durig world war 1 , this rifel was used by the Mexican army until 1943 . and was used by severlal more countries like , Brazil , Peru , Soviet Union , China , Austria - Hungray , Vietnam ,Chile Etc.

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